We expect everyone to serve - WHY?

Mar 15, 2020    Pastor Dan Spencer

At First Baptist Church, we are constantly asking for people to step up and volunteer to serve in some way: mission projects, community outreach, teaching, singing, facilitating all kinds of ministry – we think everyone should be serving to meet some need.

What good are we as Christians if we aren’t doing what God created us to do? He created us to serve. God has wired it into our hearts to want to give Him glory, to be useful for His Kingdom, and have a purpose that is bigger than just living for ourselves.

The Christian life is not meant to sit unused, inside a display case. We need to break
out and let God use us for the good of others. In Ephesians 4, we see that Jesus gives grace to each one of His disciples – grace to get busy and serve.

Let's open our Bibles and answer this question: “We expect everyone to serve –