We ask people to become church members - WHY?
We believe there is power in purpose – so we want you to know the purpose for what we do. And we believe that passion follows purpose. If you are uncertain why you’re doing what you’re doing, you won’t be very passionate about it, and it will always seem a little fake. So, we want to make the WHY very clear.
Lot of people today ask, “Isn’t it enough to believe in Jesus? Why do I need a church, too?” Or, “If my name is on God’s list, why does it also need to be on your list?” Others say, “Organized Christianity is so broken that you should just ignore the church and follow Jesus on your own."
When Jesus calls you to follow Him, it is not just a call to believe in something, it is also a call to belong to something – and Jesus called it the church. He mentioned it first in Matthew 16:15-18 and then in many other places. Let's look at some of those Scriptures.