I AM the Door

Aug 27, 2023    Pastor Dan Spencer

For the Jewish people in Jesus’ day, the title “I AM” was super meaningful because “I AM” was the name of God. So, when Jesus applied that name to Himself, it was clear what He was claiming: “I AM God in the flesh”. And then Jesus added descriptions to “I AM” (bread, light, shepherd…). This is how Jesus wants us to understand who He is and why He came. In this session, we will be looking at “I AM the door”.  

Sheep and shepherds were such a part of the life of Israel in Jesus' day that this illustration would have been familiar to everyone. The work of the shepherd was not easy. The shepherd had to care for the sheep, not just stand there and watch them. They lead the sheep to green pastures where they would be nourished, rescued them from danger, protected them from thieves and predators and cared for them when they were injured or sick. 

Jesus said, “I AM that shepherd!” But what about the door? Please find John 10:1-10.