I AM the Good Shepherd

Sep 3, 2023    Pastor Dan Spencer

If you had lived in Israel at the time of Jesus, something you would see everywhere, and couldn’t get away from, was sheep. The sheep industry was an important part of the economy. It was vital in providing food and clothing to the population, and it was essential to the sacrificial system in the Jewish Temple. And wherever there were sheep, there were shepherds.

In the Old Testament Scriptures, sheep became a metaphor for people who needed protection and leadership, and shepherds became an image of leadership for kings and priests – and even for God (Psalm 23).Remember that with Jesus as our Shepherd, what He is leading us to is life. He leads us to what is life-giving for us, what is best for us. That is a good thing to remember when following is difficult. Following Jesus means obeying Him one step at a time.

Please find John 10:10-30.