My Help Comes From The Lord

Jul 17, 2022    Pastor Dan Spencer

In this session, we will look at Psalm 121, A Song of Ascents. These Psalms were meant to be sung as God’s people were going up to Jerusalem for feast days or holy days: Passover in the Spring, Pentecost in early Summer, and Tabernacles in the Fall.

When they climbed to approach the city, it must have been an awesome sight: the shining city on a hill, the Eastern Gate, and the great Temple gleaming in the sun. It would have been a highlight for any of God’s people, especially since going up to Jerusalem meant spending time in God’s house.

As God’s people made their way, they sang these songs of praise and expectation. They traveled in groups and sang together as they walked. The tune to this song has been lost, but not the message. Life is a journey. For those who love the Lord, our final destination is up to the Holy City of Heaven. Every step of the way the Lord is watching over us!