The Great White Throne

Nov 3, 2019    Pastor Dan Spencer

Did you know you can prepare for your digital afterlife? Facebook will let you name a “legacy contact” who will manage your account when you die. It turns out that people are really concerned about that, and they want to make sure their digital life maintains a presence after their death. So you can plan who gets to see all your selfies after you die – but is that really what should concern us? NO! It is infinitely more important to prepare for what happens to your soul and where you spend eternity when your life here is over. Because there is an Afterlife.

What you believe about the Afterlife determines how you live today. If you believe there is no God and no afterlife, you are going to live for the pleasure of this life; everything is going to be about NOW. But if you believe you were created by God for His glory and will spend eternity somewhere, it will shape the way you live now.

Let's look at Revelation 20:11-15.