Minority Report

Oct 20, 2024    Pastor Dan Spencer

We are in the not often preach from book of Numbers. But anywhere we cut the Word of God, it bleeds the atoning blood of Jesus. It’s all about Him, it all points to Him. When we get in the Word and the Word gets in us, it provides us with truth that corrects, sanctifies, and shapes our faith.

The people of Israel have been set free from slavery in Egypt. They have received God’s Laws and are now camped in a place called Kadesh (south of where the Gaza Strip is located today). The people are just sitting on “go”. They are organized and ready to take possession of Canaan, the Promised Land God was giving them. What happens next is a defining moment for the Israelites, something that caused an entire generation to be wasted in the wilderness and to entirely miss out on the Promised Land. 

We are going to learn from that failure. We are going to see that there is no substitute for obedience to the Lord, and that for a group like us, failure to trust the Lord can have a negative impact for generations to come. We can't repeat their mistakes. We can’t waste the opportunities the Lord has given us. We are going to trust and obey and be a generation that counts!

Please find Numbers 13-14.