By the Mission of the Church

Sep 25, 2022    Pastor Dan Spencer

Prayer is an amazing gift. Just think we have access to the God of the Universe, to talk to Him and to be heard by Him, 24/7/365. The challenge is to believe that and to act on it – to actually pray. In previous sessions, we have talked about being drawn to prayer by the goodness of God, by the cares of life, by the cross of Christ, and now by the mission of the church.

When Jesus gave His disciples the task of being His witnesses and then He ascended, the first thing they did was pray. Jesus acknowledged that the task they were facing was impossible for them to accomplish on their own. Then He assured them that He would give them power to complete it! That same power is available to us today.

Let's look at Luke 24:44-49 and Acts 1:8-14.