By the Cares of Life

Sep 11, 2022    Pastor Dan Spencer

Talking to God and communing with Him in prayer ought to be something that is as natural and automatic as breathing. The Bible even instructs us to “pray without ceasing”. But for many of us, prayer is something we often forget to do, or we get too busy to do, or we feel guilty because we can go a week without even thinking about talking to God. That is a problem, because it is impossible to be spiritually well without an active prayer life. And it is not feasible to navigate life as a Christian without praying your way through it – any more than you could fly an airplane through busy Atlanta airspace without constant contact with the tower.

In this series, we are looking at those things that draw us into prayer and even drive us to our knees at times. The devil wants us to be overwhelmed and distracted by the cares of life. A worried, distracted, prideful Christian is easy prey for the enemy!

How can we avoid that? Let's look at 1 Peter 5:5-7.