Ministry Village

We exist to glorify God and make disciples by helping people move from their point of need to hope in Christ!

For many years, FBC has been involved with reaching our community for Christ through service-oriented ministries. Our members and ministries embody that mission every day. Even so, we believe that the Lord is calling us to greater things!
Over the past couple of years, God has given us a vision for how to best fulfill our mission of helping people move from their point of need to hope in Christ. The vision involves placing all current and future service ministries under the umbrella of the Ministry Village. We are presently meeting with local service groups to try to determine services they already provide. This will not only prevent us from duplicating efforts but will also allow us to focus on areas where there is a definite lack of resources.

We continue to look at ways to: Spread the Gospel to the community through the services provided. Meet basic needs such as food, clothing, showers, laundry (and understanding needs for housing and immediate shelter). Facilitate restoration and spiritual growth in Jesus’ name.

In order to fulfill our vision, we have a lot of work to do...not only in determining what services are most needed but also by equipping our members to provide those needs. We hope you will pray for and join us in this journey. We are excited to keep you informed of the incredible ways the Lord is using our ministries to reach those who are struggling in Sevier County.

Weekly opportunities

Hot Meals for Hungry Hearts

Mondays, 4:00-5:00 PM
455 Court Avenue (Newly Renovated)

Helping Hands Ministry

Wednesdays, 11:30 AM - 2:30 PM
Good News Building

Help with Utilities

Thursdays, 1:00-2:00 PM
Building E, Reception Area

Biblical Counseling

Available Upon Request

Helping Hands

Helping Hands has been a vital ministry at FBC for many years. Completely run by over 60 volunteers (some who have served for over 20 years), HH provides food for our neighbors struggling tofeed their families. During an average week, HH serves over 100 families (400+ people). Approximately 350,000-400,000 pounds of food is distributed on a  yearly basis. In addition, sleeping bags, socks, coats, hygiene items, etc. are provided when requested. This is a huge blessing and a true benefit not only to our neighbors but to our entire county. As amazing as that is, the main purpose behind the ministry is to help our neighbors move from their point of need to hope in Christ through sharing of the Gospel. As a direct result of this ministry, 58 people came to salvation in 2023.  In addition, 816 copies of the Bible were distributed. Over time this will surely produce great fruit for our Lord’s Kingdom. Plans are currently in the works to form a Life Group for those who are being served. Such a group will be a wonderful blessing to everyone involved. If you would like to participate in this amazing ministry, feel free to stop by the Good News Building any time Wednesday between 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM. Neighbors are served from 11 :30 AM - 2:30 PM. We would love to have you join us or simply stop by for a tour. Whether you can serve or not, please be in prayer for this ministry. God is using it to reach many!


Hot Meals for Hungry Hearts began in March 2012. As a result of a suggestion by a member whose heart-felt desire was to teach our youth how to be servant-minded, a partnership was formed with Smoky Mountain Area Rescue Ministries. Hot Meals quickly grew and became fully staffed by FBC members. Now, all ages participate in making it a success.  Neighbors who come to eat include the homeless, nearly homeless, temporarily unemployed, disabled and others who simply need a meal and a personal connection. Approximately 75-100 neighbors are currently being fed each week. Hot Meals is built on the truth of Matthew 25:37-40, “Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink?’...And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’" Hot Meals opens its doors each Monday evening from 4:00-5:00 PM. Fully staffed by volunteers, many opportunities are available for members to serve by helping prepare meals, serving food, and making our guests feel welcome.  Contact Stephen Huskey at [email protected] if you would be interested in serving our community and our neighbors in this way or would like to make a monetary donation to this ministry.

living hope BIBLICAL COUNSELING & discipleship

This ministry continues to serve our community by ministering to those who are broken and in need of spiritual guidance.  Our goal is to teach those who are struggling how to implement Christ’s solutions for life’s problems. Here are some highlights for the 3rd & 4th quarters of 2024:
  • One of our members has fulfilled all learning, writing and supervision requirement to obtain her Certification through the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors.
  • Numerous counseling sessions have taken place with many amazing results.  
  • Four know salvations have occurred in the counseling ministry during this time frame.
We have received many testimonies showing how God’s grace is being experienced through this ministry.  From a wife in marriage crisis: "Biblical Counseling opened my eyes on how to practically show more Grace. I had no problem giving everyone else Grace except my husband.  I held him to a standard that God did not."

From a senior adult: "I was consumed by fear to leave my home when I came to counseling. I regularly made excuses to not leave. My counselor equipped me with understanding why I was afraid, with Scripture and with how to use it, so I could glorify, serve, and fully trust the Lord."

We are currently in the process of trying to provide childcare for those who are serving or being ministered to through Biblical Counseling. Please pray for the Lord to work miracles in and through us as we continue to pour into the lives of those who are struggling.  

 If you are interested in becoming a counselor or are in need of counseling, click the link below.

Prayer Ministry

FBC's Prayer Ministry is the cornerstone for all other ministries and programs in our church. Prayer is commanded throughout the Bible. Philippians 4:6 says, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.”  

Intercessory prayer focuses on the needs and concerns of others and is a Biblical priority. 1 Timothy 2:1 states, “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men.”

If you have a prayer request, would like to have someone pray with you, or would like to volunteer, please call our Prayer Room at (865) 429-PRAY.

Ministry Village updates 2024


5,082 Hot Meals Served  |  15,508 Neighbors Received Food  |  1,062 Bibles Distributed  
274 People Assisted through Benevolence  |  Over 700 Household Items & Toiletries Distributed
74 - Salvations!

Thank you's

A special shout-out to the Adairsville, NC Youth Choir who stopped by Hot Meals for Hungry Hearts. This group inspired our neighbors to “make a joyful noise unto The Lord”. 
  • Thanks so much to our own 8th Grade Girls 11 AM Life Group for all the food donations!  We appreciate you!
  • Thank you to everyone who helped with the repair and renovation of the Hot Meals for Hungry Hearts building!


God is richly blessing our homeless neighbors who are coming to Hot Meals. Not only are they being fed. But prayers continue to be answered. Like this one... A husband and wife, with the wife’s elderly mother, lost their home and were living in their car. They come to Hot Meals.The husband was excited to share with us that he was getting a job at a nearby truck stop that will allow the family to use the showers there. This is a tremendous praise!

From a volunteer...

“I’m privileged to witness the power of God working and trans-forming the life of a young Christian. When we go step-by-step through Scripture, I love to see the lightbulb go off when they realize the sacrifice Christ Jesus made for them, and all who believe by faith that ‘Christ Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sin and live for righteousness;
by His wounds we are healed’ (1 Peter 2:24).  Our penalty has been paid! It is so rewarding!”

please pray for

All of our ministries and volunteers as we continue to help people move from their point of need to hope in Christ.Those that cannot come to Helping Hands or Hot Meals for lack of transportation or chronic health issues.Open hearts and open minds as the Gospel is presented. New ministries being developed.

New PArtnerships

This past spring, Pastor Dan, Pastor Steve and Stephen Huskey met with SEND Relief, a compassion ministry of the Southern Baptist Convention. SEND Relief is a collaboration between the International Mission Board and the North America Mission Board. They respond to crisis and help strengthen vulnerable communities by meeting physical and spiritual needs in Jesus’ name.We are excited to announce that SEND Relief recently selected FBC Sevierville’s Serve Ministry and our Ministry Village as an Affiliate. This designation gives the Ministry Village a greater opportunity to tap into a large network of impactful compassion ministries, learn from their experiences and continue growing FBC’s Ministry Village foundations. We look forward to how God will use this partnership.  For more info about SEND Relief, go to
We are thrilled to announce a new partnership between the Ministry Village and the Tennessee Valley Coalition for the Homeless! Together, we aim to serve our community by providing essential services, like showers, prayer to our neighbors in need. Our goal is to have a shower trailer available on campus from 11:30 AM - 2 PM at least twice a month. Please pray with us as we seek the Lord’s guidance for how to best minister to those in need in Sevier County.  For more information about this partnership or to find out how you can get involved, please contact Stephen in our church office.