This is Our Victory

Apr 17, 2022    Pastor Dan Spencer

In the two previous sessions, we have been talking about the meaning and the significance of the resurrection of Jesus. As we look at 1 Corinthians 15, we see that some in Corinth were struggling with the reality of the resurrection. Their attitude was, “I’ll take Christianity without the resurrection.” But Paul tells them why believing in Christ’s resurrection is essential. There is no way out, no rescue, no hope if Christ is not risen! But because He is risen, we have this incredible promise: since Christ rose from the dead, if we place our faith in Him, we will also be resurrected.

Certainly, that means if we believe in Jesus, He will forgive our sins and cancel the judgment of death against us; He will give life to those who are dead in their sins. Hallelujah!

But the context here is something greater, and it is found in this word “asleep”. Paul uses the term fallen asleep to refer to deceased Christians. Jesus told His disciples, “Our friend Lazarus sleeps, but I go that I may wake him up.” (John 11:11) And He did!

This is the hope for Christians: death does not have the final word for us. Jesus has defeated death, so He can take authority over death. Death couldn’t hold Him – it’s not going to hold us! If we close our eyes in death on this earth, we wake up in heaven!

That is good news for now, and good news for when you die, but 1 Corinthians 15 continues to unfold more good news beyond even that.