Where are the Nine?
In the days of the Bible, there was a terrible disease called leprosy. At that time, it was like receiving a death sentence because things immediately became very dark for you and your future. You would be banished from your family and your community. As bad as COVID is, leprosy was far worse.
As we look at Luke 17:11-19, we realize that Jesus always takes time to hear the cries of those who cry out to Him. While others condemn, Jesus loves. As we read this section, we realize that Jesus healed 10 lepers who called out to Him. He then told them to go show themselves to the priests. As they went by faith, healing came.
Nine of them went on their way after seeing the priest. Were the other nine thankful? Sure! They were thankful to be healed. But only one was so overwhelmed by the gift he had received that he knew he had to go back and thank Jesus face-to-face.