For Discipling Our Kids

Apr 21, 2024    Pastor Dan Spencer

It’s true that the people who have known us the longest and love us the most can aggravate us the most – and sometimes hurt us the worst. And as Christians, we don’t find our instructions for how to do family by looking to the world. We go to the Bible. In this session, we will be looking at God's plan for discipling our kids.

That word “discipling” can be confusing because it is so close to the word “disciplining.” Discipling is teaching our kids about Jesus and showing them what it means to know Him, follow Him and serve Him. Discipling is the goal of Ephesians 6:4, where the Apostle Paul said to the fathers in the church, “Bring your children up in the training and admonition of the Lord.” Discipling is the first order of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19), “Go make disciples of all the nations” – and we realize our greatest responsibility as Christian parents is to make disciples of our own kids, and to mobilize them to make an impact for Christ in the world.

Please find God’s plan for doing that in Psalm 127, a family psalm God gave to King Solomon.