The Sheep and the Goats

Feb 26, 2023    Pastor Dan Spencer

It is just three days until Jesus will go to the cross, so He takes this opportunity to teach the disciples about the end times and His Second Coming.

As we get to the end of this series, Jesus has revealed His plan for the future. He has given some signs to look for that His coming is near. He has given His disciples some warnings to live by until He comes.  Finally, He uses 3 parables to teach them how to wait for His coming: bridesmaids (be prepared); managers (take care of business) and the last story illustrates the fact that all of human history is leading up to an event of final judgment. 

Notice the timing: the Great Tribulation ends with the Second Coming of Jesus. His Second Coming will not be like His first. He will not come in meekness and humility. The next time Jesus comes He will descend from heaven in power. He will be seen in all of His blinding glory. He will be leading an army of angels. He will be recognized as Lord of all. He will be enthroned in His rightful place as King over His Kingdom. And He will gather the nations together. And His first order of business will be pronouncing judgment on individuals from every race and nationality in the world.  

Let's look at Matthew 25:31-46.