Jesus can redeem your past

Dec 6, 2020    Pastor Dan Spencer

Charles Dickens published the story called “A Christmas Carol” just before Christmas in 1843. By Christmas Eve the first printing had sold out. Ever since, it has been recognized as a literary masterpiece. The reason Dickens wrote this piece was to show that even the worst sinner can repent and be transformed. The story of Christmas is central to that change: Jesus Christ was born into this world to save lost sinners.

As Christians, we realize that because of the work of redemption Jesus completed when He died on the cross and rose from the dead, we can make peace with our past, we can live with purpose in the present, and we can have hope for the future. This Christmas season, that’s what we must focus on.

Let's look at Isaiah 9:1-7. In these 7 verses, we see Jesus Christ promised, we see Him as the Redeemer of Christmas past, God’s gift for Christmas present, and the King of Christmas future.