The Horror of Hell
This session will address something that no Pastor likes to talk about but something that every Pastor should discuss...hell.
Here are some startling statistics: 72% of Americans believe in heaven, 58% believe in hell as a place “where people who have led bad lives and die without being sorry are eternally punished.” When asked if hell is a place where those who do not know Christ spend eternity, only 40% believe that. And when asked who is going to hell, only half of 1% would say that they are likely going to hell.
In other words, if a person does believe in hell, they believe it is for really, really bad people like terrorists and serial killers – but not for them. But Jesus said something very different about that: “Wide is the road that leads to destruction and many go that way; narrow is the way that leads to life, and few find it.”
The highway to hell is like a six-lane Interstate – and the billions of people on that road are have no idea of the horror they will face when they arrive at the end of that road. Let's take a long, hard look at Luke 16:19-31.