
Nov 13, 2016    Randy Davis    AM Service

Do you ever wonder where you fit into God’s story? If He has numbered the hairs on your head, if He knows when a sparrow falls from a tree, if He knows you by name, that’s an indication that you have a specific place in His story. You can be sure He has a perfect will for your life if you are a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ.

As we look at the Great Commission in Matthew 28, we begin with Verse 16. This verse doesn’t seem like there is much that must be learned from it but upon closer examination we see that everything is included in this one verse of Scripture. If they had not been obedient to what the Lord said by just showing up where God told them to show up, they would have missed the greatest commandment that had ever been given about the work of Jesus Christ. You see if you are not faithful with the small things, how is He going to trust you with the big things.

Let’s look at the rest of this chapter.