
Jan 21, 2024    Pastor Dan Spencer

The most expensive violin in the world was made in 1716 by the legendary Antonio Stradivari. It is called “The Messiah”, and it was found in his workshop after he died. It is still in perfect condition and is displayed in a museum in England on the condition that it will never be played. And so, the world’s most perfect and beautiful musical instrument never gets played; no music ever comes from it. People who go to look at it often walk away saying, “That’s so sad – what good is it if it can’t do what it was created to do – make music?”

The same is true of us. What good are we as Christians if we aren’t doing what God created us to do? God has wired it into our hearts to want to give Him glory, to be useful for His Kingdom, and have a purpose that is bigger than just living for ourselves. The Christian life is not meant to be lived inside of a display case.

At First Baptist Church, we are constantly asking for people to step up and serve in some way: ministry projects, meeting community needs, teaching, singing, hosting, facilitating all kinds of ministry – we think every Christian should be serving to meet some need in Jesus’ name. Serving is not just a part of who we are, it’s what we do best. Please find Mark 6:53-56 to find a model for our serving.