LGBTQ: I Have a Thousand Questions

Apr 18, 2021    Pastor Dan Spencer

The most recent and reliable nationwide poll by Gallup reveals that 5.6% Americans identify with one of those groups. Given those numbers, LGBTQ issues have sort of an outsized influence. With the moral revolution that has swept across our country in the last few years, it seems everyone is talking about it – and everyone has questions.

In this session, we will deal with four questions: 1.) What does the Bible really say? 2.) Where does First Baptist Church stand on the issue? 3.) Are people “born that way”? 4.) Can you be gay and Christian?

Before we get to the first question, please know that Jesus loves you, no matter what your sin is. Jesus died for you, no matter how messed up your life is. Jesus can save you, no matter what you’ve done...just like He did every other true follower of Him. At FBC, we love everyone that God loves, and God loves everyone.